Fast and Meaningful Testing For Accelerated Mobile Growth
Apptimize enables product teams to innovate faster and increase your user engagement, conversions, and user retention.
Our testing platform takes the guesswork out of product optimization, providing data to improve UI/UX and advance business objectives.
100+ companies, 1.2 billion downloads
Best at Mobile
Focused on mobile since day one, Apptimize is the most robust mobile app AB testing and feature release management platform on the market.
More Than a Platform
Our customer success team is committed to enhancing your mobile strategy with data-driven decision-making. Let Apptimize be your guide to mobile app testing.
Built For Product Teams
Apptimize has been developed specifically for mobile product teams to accelerate their learning and innovation.
Easy to Use
With an easy-to-deploy SDK, powerful integrations, and an intuitive web app, Apptimize removes the pain from feature release management for iOS mobile app testing, android mobile app testing, and OTT services.
Proven Results
Companies that experiment regularly with Apptimize's mobile app testing tools grow at 2x the rate than companies that don't test as frequently. Increase mobile app ROI with our mobile app testing solutions.
Critical to the Mobile Stack
Apptimize's mobile app testing SDK integrates seamlessly into your mobile stack and automatically integrates with major data, analytics, and CRM providers.