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Experiment on More Channels than Ever with Apptimize API & Roku Support

With the rise of new channels such as OTT and wearable devices, customers can now connect and be engaged anywhere, making it a real challenge for brands to optimize that engagement experience across channels. How do you know that you...

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Use Coordinated Experimentation Across Multiple Channels with Airship and Apptimize

Building a culture of experimentation is essential for creating customer experience innovations that deepen engagement, grow loyalty, and contribute to your bottom line. That’s why 67% of marketers say experimentation is increasingly essential for staying competitive.  Experimentation allows you to test and evolve...

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How Airship and Apptimize Work Together to Optimize the Entire Customer Journey

Today’s most successful brands use experimentation to drive higher customer engagement and a Gartner survey found that 67% of marketers say experimentation will become more important within the next five years for staying competitive. Airship‘s Kaitlyn Hogue and Apptimize’s JP Lefebvre recently...

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Apptimize Is Now an Airship Company!

We are excited to announce that Apptimize is joining forces with Airship, the leading platform for delivering messages across mobile channels including SMS, push notifications, in-app notifications, email and many more.  With Airship and Apptimize combined, you can now more...

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